Posts by: Jon

Child leadership
By Jon
10th July 2020
9 tips for developing child leadership skills

To create a life that is fulfilled and meaningful requires the ability to engage, influence and inspire other human beings.  Teaching a child leadership skills is beneficial in enabling them to become a responsible member of the community, successful in what they want to do and help them create a support network around them. Are…

building confidence in young people
By Jon
5th July 2020
Building confidence in young people – Podcast

In this episode the team discuss confidence and have a very special guest in premier league sport psychologist Dr Karl Steptoe who is the lead sport psychologist at Loughborough University.  Karl gives some really helpful insights on building confidence in young people. To find out more on building confidence in young people please take a…

build confidence in children
By Jon
5th July 2020
6 Tips to build confidence in children

To build confidence in children, its first important to understand a little more about how confidence affects us. The renowned psychologist Albert Bandura undertook numerous studies which proved that the area of self-confidence, known as self-efficacy, enhanced human accomplishment and personal wellbeing.  He proved that increased confidence enhances the ability to;  Try new things  Rebound…

Lockdown 3
By Jon
3rd July 2020
Teacher in Lockdown – my final post…

With it being my final week at school and lockdown finally easing across the UK, I feel it’s the right time to make this my final post in the teacher in lockdown diary. I hope everyone who has watched the videos has found it as therapeutic as me, but I doubt it! Keep an eye…

importance of values
By Jon
27th June 2020
The importance of Values – Podcast

In this episode the team discuss the importance of Values.  Creating and setting values that you aim to live by is one of the founding principles of Life on Time and in this episode Dr Bear explains what they are and how they can help you, your teachers, children and students live a more fulfilled…

By Jon
27th June 2020
What are Values and why should you care?

So, what are values and why should you care? To give some context, my interest in values originates in my role as a clinical psychologist providing therapy to those who may benefit from it.  Therapies have more recently been moving away from perceptions of ameliorating illness, dysfunction and disorder to what might be described as…

black lives matter
By Jon
22nd June 2020
Black Lives Matter

The Black lives matter movement after the death of George Floyd has created a lot of media attention and will have created a lot of emotions with lots of communities around the UK.  In this episode Jon has an open conversation with his friend and business consultant, Dr Wayne Wright from WSq solutions as he…

black lives matter protests
By Jon
22nd June 2020
Understanding the Black Lives Matter protests

I’m Jon Ford the founder of Life on Time. I was undecided on how as an organisation we should approach the Black Lives Matter protests. As a middle aged white man, living in a sleepy village in Kent, I was confused and frustrated by what I was seeing in the media after George Floyd’s death.…

First day back at school
By Jon
19th June 2020
Teacher in Lockdown – First day back at school

So all the way through this weird pandemic time warp, I’ve been harping on about being stuck at home, teaching into a laptop, looking back at my own face, wondering if anyone can hear me, cares, is actually following along with workouts and sessions or if I’m just going totally mad! Well this week there…

By Jon
14th June 2020
8 Tips to keep kids engaged with homeschooling

Schools will not fully open again until atleast September 2020.   For parents and carers who are homeschooling this news may send shivers down the spine with the thought of yet ANOTHER 12 weeks of juggling work, daily chores along with full responsibility for your childs education.  The challenge that at first seemed like a nice…

By Jon
14th June 2020
Help for homeschoolers – Podcast

In this episode the team discuss childcare and help for homeschoolers during lockdown.  On the episode we have special guest Arnold Kaloki from a company called Brightteach, a specialist home tutoring company.  Arnold has some really great tips for homeschoolers on how to keep children engaged with their home education during the pandemic. For more…

teachers in lockdown
By Jon
12th June 2020
Week 12 of Teachers in Lockdown

More teacher insights from week 12 of Teachers in Lockdown, a positive Covid19 test and more uncertainty of when they will teach again… Please share your story on our Teachers in lockdown Facebook group.

teachers' Wellbeing
By Jon
6th June 2020
How to help teachers’ wellbeing podcast

In episode 8 the team discuss teachers’ wellbeing.  Dr Bear is back to give some really useful tips on how to look after yourself and cope with the uncertainty of going back to school.  Dr Bear draws on his experiences he has gained over the past few months helping his colleagues in the NHS on…

teacher wellbeing
By Jon
5th June 2020
How to help teacher wellbeing – 4 tips from Dr Bear

The current Covid-19 has robbed teacher’s of the certainty and security that they are used to, which has affected overall teacher wellbeing. We have all been pushed into changes to our natural routines and ways of living. Each of these changes may not seem sufficient to lead to people struggling, but as you start adding…

teacher in lockdown - back to school
By Jon
5th June 2020
Teacher in Lockdown – Week 11

Find out how Jez got on in Teacher in Lockdown – week 11. We really want teachers around the world to get involved and share their thoughts and stories on how being a teacher in lockdown has affected them. Whether you are back to school or distance learning please join our face book group TEACHERS…

Physical activity
By Jon
1st June 2020
Physical Activity, sport and wellbeing

In this episode Jez and Jon discuss how important sport and physical activity is to our wellbeing.  Jez has one of his high performer sport students on to find out how she organizes her day… Also take a look at our article on the importance of physical activity and sport for wellbeing in schools here

wellbeing in schools
By Jon
29th May 2020
The importance of sport and physical activity for wellbeing in schools

There’s certainly been a shift recently on the emphasis and impact that sport and physical activity can have on wellbeing in schools. Before, PE and Games were seen as fairly one dimensional opportunities for the physically talented to shine and a chance to develop sport specific skills and components of fitness for all. Now, many…

How to build resilience
By Jon
25th May 2020
How to build resilience

In this episode Jez, Dr bear and Jon discuss how to build resilience.  Resilience is a key skill at anytime but espeically in times of crisis so we thought in apt time to get talking about it.  Dr Bear gives some insight on how he uses resilience and what skills it involves.  We also have…

build resilience in children
By Jon
25th May 2020
How to build resilience in children

To be able to build resilience in children, we must first bring clarity on what resilience is and why it’s needed.  It’s a common belief that resilience is a type of mental toughness that people are innately born with, which allows them to recover after times of crisis. However, at Life on Time we believe…

By Jon
22nd May 2020
Teacher in Lockdown – Video Diary – Week 9

This week Jez’s teacher in Lockdown diary is via video – we thought this would be more engaging for our audience. Hear how he got on in week 9 below….

By Jon
16th May 2020
Should PSHE be the focus after Lockdown?

Dr Bear and the team discuss PSHE in episode 5.  They discuss what it is, but also why it should in their opinion become the major focus for schools post lockdown. We also have special guest Jayne Wright who is a PSHE expert who gives schools and teachers some great tips for when lockdown ends. What…

pshe curriculum
By Jon
16th May 2020
Should PSHE curriculum get more time after Lockdown?

PSHE curriculum in the UK from September 2020 will become mandatory for schools, but should PSHE curriculum become the main focus for home learning and when children return to school after lockdown? Firstly, What is PSHE? If you’re a teacher or a student you will no doubt know the answer, but for some parents it…

By Jon
15th May 2020
Week 8 and day 52 of a Teacher in lockdown…

I’m writing this as a Teacher in Lockdown – day 52! As I make the joke “day 52 in the big brother house” in my best possible jordie accent to my year 10 Core PE class once more (as I am becoming accustomed to), I’m greeted by silence… Fair enough in this case and I…

Goal setting for Students
By Jon
12th May 2020
Why Goal setting for students can give them purpose & belief in Lockdown – Lesson 3 from Viktor

Goal setting for students has been proven to improve both motivation and performance. In normal life when we are not under the stress of a pandemic, goal setting for students is commonly used to improve results such as academic achievement. In this article we will instead be looking at why Goal setting for students should…

How much sleep teenagers need podcast
By Jon
10th May 2020
How much sleep teenagers need in Lockdown

In this episode the trio discuss sleep, the importance of it and also how much sleep teenagers need inparticular, to stay fit and healthy.  There is also a special guest Mandy Gurney from Millpond sleep clinic who is a child sleep expert.  She gives a great insight into the sleep patterns of teenagers and how…

How much sleep do teenagers need?
By Jon
10th May 2020
How much sleep do teenagers need in Lockdown?

How much sleep do teenagers need? It will depend a little on the individual and their genetic makeup, but in general its reported that teenagers need between 9 to 10 hours sleep per day (Mindell JA & Owens JA, 2003), which is around 1 hour more than the recommended amount for adults.  The sleep teenagers…

Lock down learning
By Jon
10th May 2020
Week 7- Teacher in Lockdown

Week 7 of a teacher in lockdown complete and what a different week in my world to last week. For no clear and apparent reason everything felt harder this week. That’s life I guess. The pre-lockdown world too had its ups and downs and perhaps that’s all it is. From the moment I logged in…

Mindfulness for children podcast
By Jon
2nd May 2020
How mindfulness in lockdown can help you and your children

In this episode the team discuss their current experiences of the past week, Jez divulges how his first week of remote learning went and Dr bear gives insight about some of the NHS work he has been doing to help the doctors and nurses on the front line of the covid19 pandemic.  Dr Bear also…

Mindfulness for children
By Jon
2nd May 2020
Mindfulness for children – 4 tips for your children during the pandemic

Over the past few years Mindfulness for Children has become a well-established practice known to improve their wellbeing.  There have been many studies showing its positive effects on physical health, mental health and behaviours (Brown and Ryan, 2003) and it’s tripled in its use in the US between 2012 and 2017 (National health interview survey). …

Personal development
By Jon
29th April 2020
A personal development message for your students from Viktor Frankl

There is always suffering in life – without it there would be no meaning. Learning to accept that suffering is part of life is a key lesson in the personal development for any student.  It is a helpful skill to learn and one which will allow you and your students to cope in difficult times,…