Become Inspired blog

18 articles
3 steps to measure and support student emotional wellbeing
By Jon Ford
21st February 2023
3 steps to measure and support student emotional wellbeing

There is ‘growing evidence’ piling up over the impact of past school closures upon student emotional wellbeing, adolescent distress and mental health. (Lancet, 2021) Of even greater concern is new data, stating that disadvantaged children are becoming permanently disengaged from education. Schools are being highlighted as the location where adolescents can be identified and supported…

teacher wellbeing support
By Jon
25th January 2021
Become Inspired – Teacher wellbeing support hub

At Lifeontime we are passionate about supporting teacher wellbeing. Teachers are the key to unlocking the potential in children and are critical to our mission of giving every child the skills to live healthy and meaningful life’s. It’s obvious that teachers have been one of the worst affected professions by the pandemic and have had…

6 inspirational quotes to help teachers
By Jon
5th November 2020
6 inspirational quotes to help teachers through the pandemic

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychologist who survived several years of imprisonment within concentration camps, during WW2. Through his experiences he is well known for helping the wellbeing and mental health of millions with his book ‘A mans search for meaning’. In this video we show his 6 most famous and inspirational quotes to help…

teacher and staff wellbeing app
By Jon
3rd September 2020
Can digital platform’s improve wellbeing and help fulfill PSHE statutory requirements?

With PSHE soon becoming mandatory for schools, many are now looking for new and innovative resources so they can fulfill and exceed the new statutory requirements.  In this article we will be reviewing studies which show how digital applications, such as mobile apps, improve wellbeing and if the evidence they show can be used to…

Child leadership
By Jon
10th July 2020
9 tips for developing child leadership skills

To create a life that is fulfilled and meaningful requires the ability to engage, influence and inspire other human beings.  Teaching a child leadership skills is beneficial in enabling them to become a responsible member of the community, successful in what they want to do and help them create a support network around them. Are…

build confidence in children
By Jon
5th July 2020
6 Tips to build confidence in children

To build confidence in children, its first important to understand a little more about how confidence affects us. The renowned psychologist Albert Bandura undertook numerous studies which proved that the area of self-confidence, known as self-efficacy, enhanced human accomplishment and personal wellbeing.  He proved that increased confidence enhances the ability to;  Try new things  Rebound…

By Jon
27th June 2020
What are Values and why should you care?

So, what are values and why should you care? To give some context, my interest in values originates in my role as a clinical psychologist providing therapy to those who may benefit from it.  Therapies have more recently been moving away from perceptions of ameliorating illness, dysfunction and disorder to what might be described as…

black lives matter protests
By Jon
22nd June 2020
Understanding the Black Lives Matter protests

I’m Jon Ford the founder of Life on Time. I was undecided on how as an organisation we should approach the Black Lives Matter protests. As a middle aged white man, living in a sleepy village in Kent, I was confused and frustrated by what I was seeing in the media after George Floyd’s death.…

By Jon
14th June 2020
8 Tips to keep kids engaged with homeschooling

Schools will not fully open again until atleast September 2020.   For parents and carers who are homeschooling this news may send shivers down the spine with the thought of yet ANOTHER 12 weeks of juggling work, daily chores along with full responsibility for your childs education.  The challenge that at first seemed like a nice…

teacher wellbeing
By Jon
5th June 2020
How to help teacher wellbeing – 4 tips from Dr Bear

The current Covid-19 has robbed teacher’s of the certainty and security that they are used to, which has affected overall teacher wellbeing. We have all been pushed into changes to our natural routines and ways of living. Each of these changes may not seem sufficient to lead to people struggling, but as you start adding…

wellbeing in schools
By Jon
29th May 2020
The importance of sport and physical activity for wellbeing in schools

There’s certainly been a shift recently on the emphasis and impact that sport and physical activity can have on wellbeing in schools. Before, PE and Games were seen as fairly one dimensional opportunities for the physically talented to shine and a chance to develop sport specific skills and components of fitness for all. Now, many…

build resilience in children
By Jon
25th May 2020
How to build resilience in children

To be able to build resilience in children, we must first bring clarity on what resilience is and why it’s needed.  It’s a common belief that resilience is a type of mental toughness that people are innately born with, which allows them to recover after times of crisis. However, at Life on Time we believe…

pshe curriculum
By Jon
16th May 2020
Should PSHE curriculum get more time after Lockdown?

PSHE curriculum in the UK from September 2020 will become mandatory for schools, but should PSHE curriculum become the main focus for home learning and when children return to school after lockdown? Firstly, What is PSHE? If you’re a teacher or a student you will no doubt know the answer, but for some parents it…

Goal setting for Students
By Jon
12th May 2020
Why Goal setting for students can give them purpose & belief in Lockdown – Lesson 3 from Viktor

Goal setting for students has been proven to improve both motivation and performance. In normal life when we are not under the stress of a pandemic, goal setting for students is commonly used to improve results such as academic achievement. In this article we will instead be looking at why Goal setting for students should…

How much sleep do teenagers need?
By Jon
10th May 2020
How much sleep do teenagers need in Lockdown?

How much sleep do teenagers need? It will depend a little on the individual and their genetic makeup, but in general its reported that teenagers need between 9 to 10 hours sleep per day (Mindell JA & Owens JA, 2003), which is around 1 hour more than the recommended amount for adults.  The sleep teenagers…

Mindfulness for children
By Jon
2nd May 2020
Mindfulness for children – 4 tips for your children during the pandemic

Over the past few years Mindfulness for Children has become a well-established practice known to improve their wellbeing.  There have been many studies showing its positive effects on physical health, mental health and behaviours (Brown and Ryan, 2003) and it’s tripled in its use in the US between 2012 and 2017 (National health interview survey). …

Personal development
By Jon
29th April 2020
A personal development message for your students from Viktor Frankl

There is always suffering in life – without it there would be no meaning. Learning to accept that suffering is part of life is a key lesson in the personal development for any student.  It is a helpful skill to learn and one which will allow you and your students to cope in difficult times,…

Student wellbeing and covid19
By Jon
22nd April 2020
How can lessons learnt through the Holocaust help Student Wellbeing in the covid19 crisis

So who is Viktor Frankl and what does he have to do with COVID19 and student wellbeing? He was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who rose to notoriety through the lessons he learnt and passed on through his time spent in concentration camps during the second world war.  His experiences led him to write the…