Posts by: Jon

Core mobility
By Jon
11th February 2021
Movement and Mindfulness – Skipping with Jez – S2 Ep 2

Even if it’s cold and wet outside there is still opportunity to moving. Skipping with Jez, is a really simple way of getting your heart rate up and also good fun. Find out more about youHQ

remote learning
By Jon
9th February 2021
Leo’s 4 tips for remote learning

In this episode Jon catches up with Leo to find out how he is coping with remote learning and if he can offer any parents or children tips to help stay focused.  His 4 tips are; Keep to your routine Find a room where you don’t get distracted Plan time to connect with friends Set…

By Jon
27th January 2021
Movement and Mindfulness – Skipping with Jez – S2 Ep 1

Skipping with Jez is our second series of Movement and Mindfulness – and features a new authentic way of increasing your fitness through skipping. For those who don’t like to run and are maybe a little bored with normal exercise routines, skipping can add something a little different and also be really effective at burning…

teacher wellbeing support
By Jon
25th January 2021
Become Inspired – Teacher wellbeing support hub

At Lifeontime we are passionate about supporting teacher wellbeing. Teachers are the key to unlocking the potential in children and are critical to our mission of giving every child the skills to live healthy and meaningful life’s. It’s obvious that teachers have been one of the worst affected professions by the pandemic and have had…

Lockdown 3
By Jon
22nd January 2021
Teacher in Lockdown 3

We can’t quite believe we are sending another one of these out there but we felt it was needed. Check out our teacher in lockdown group on facebook to share your stories and how you are coping in Lockdown 3. If you are concerned about staff or student wellbeing at your school we have an…

By Jon
18th January 2021
Lockdown – a child’s perspective

In this episode Jon speaks with Leo from LTA psychology.   Leo gives 4 Tips to help you get through Lockdown – Leo is only 11 years old and has used the Lockdown’s to create his own psychology YouTube channel called LTA psychology.  He gives insight and perspective into what it’s like to be child during lockdown…

By Jon
16th December 2020
Calm your mind in 5 with this simple breathing technique

In this 5 minute episode we will be sharing a breathing technique to help you calm your mind which is used by the navy seals to help them stay calm and focused in tense situations. Focusing on our breathing is the simplest and most natural way to calm our mind and body. With practice this…

financial wellbeing
By Jon
9th December 2020
Financial wellbeing tips for teachers

With the latest news of pay freezes for teachers we thought it really important to touch on financial wellbeing.  We know finances can impact our wellbeing so in our latest podcast we speak to Ryan Briggs, Client Relationship Manager at Wronski Wealth Management and accredited specialist in financial education and wellbeing. Financial wellbeing is a state…

Core mobility
By Jon
30th November 2020
Movement & Mindfulness – Ep 8 – Build your core mobility

In this episode Jez works your core mobility muscles around your glutes and hip flexors. These are the main muscle groups which keep us mobile and the muscles that easily get tight. In this episode he gives some great tips on how to strengthen and flex the muscles which will help you keep mobile. If…

Movement HIIT
By Jon
20th November 2020
Movember & Movement HIIT session – with Jez

Movember is here as Jez takes it up a notch in the Movember & Movement HIIT session. It maybe dark outside but you can still get your fill of endorphins with this indoor workout.

strategies to help you cope
By Jon
17th November 2020
Strategies to help you cope with continued uncertainty and how to ask for help – with Dr Bear

In this episode Dr bear and Jon discuss strategies to help you cope with continued uncertainty.  From strategies to help you cope with anxiety, to skills which can help you create boundaries for your own self care.  Dr Bear and Jon also discuss the steps you can go through when you maybe having a wobble…

get moving
By Jon
11th November 2020
Get moving with Movement and Mindfulness

With the nights drawing in, you may be finding it harder to get moving after work. Movement and Mindfulness is something you can do anywhere, whether in your bedroom, your front room or your kitchen. Movement is so important for our mood as it releases happy brain chemicals called endorphins. If you feel a little…

coping with adversity
By Jon
9th November 2020
Coping with adversity – lessons from an Afghan war Apache pilot

In this episode Jon speaks to a leading military pilot about coping with adversity. He talks about his 20+ year career in the military, from working as paratrooper in NI and Iraq, to his pilot training and time flying Apache helicopters in the Afghan war.  He gives his own views on managing adversity, moments of…

Core mobility
By Jon
6th November 2020
Movement & Mindfulness – #Giveyourself15

It’s so important that we take care of the basics like our nutrition, sleep, exercise and doing things which are good for our minds. Movement and Mindfulness can be done anywhere and only takes 15 mins #Giveyourself15. Jez had a slight issue with a water leak in his normal spot and was forced to record…

6 inspirational quotes to help teachers
By Jon
5th November 2020
6 inspirational quotes to help teachers through the pandemic

Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychologist who survived several years of imprisonment within concentration camps, during WW2. Through his experiences he is well known for helping the wellbeing and mental health of millions with his book ‘A mans search for meaning’. In this video we show his 6 most famous and inspirational quotes to help…

By Jon
4th November 2020
3 tips to help you get through Lockdown 2.0

In this short 5 minute episode Jon gives 3 simple tips to help you get through the new imposed lockdown.   We thought it was a good time to offer some simple goal setting tips to limit its effect on your mindset and wellbeing. This pandemic has taken one key thing from all of us and…

By Jon
23rd October 2020
3 safeguarding tips for schools during the pandemic

In this episode Jon speaks with Mike Glanville, the co-founder of MyConcern, a leader in safeguarding software for schools.  Mike talks about his extensive experience working in the police CID unit.   He gives advice to schools and teachers on how to keep their safeguarding processes in check during this challenging time.  For more information about…

Core mobility
By Jon
22nd October 2020
Calm your mind with Movement & Mindfulness – Ep4

Lift your mood and calm your mind in just 15 minutes – with Jez and Gilbert. Continual uncertainty in our environment creates stress in our bodies, so it’s important we give ourselves time to get our minds in the present and away from predicting the future or pondering on the past. By doing this we…

4 ideas to help you cope with continued uncertainty
By Jon
21st October 2020
4 ideas to help you cope with continued uncertainty…

In this 8 minute episode we give 4 ideas to help you cope with continued uncertainty created by the pandemic.  The current Covid-19 has robbed us of the certainty and security that we are used to. We have all been pushed into changes to our natural routines and ways of living. Each of these changes…

Teacher and staff wellbeing
By Jon
15th October 2020
Teach Strong – 5 tips to help teacher and staff Wellbeing

With schools fully open in the UK, teachers and staff are now facing more day to day challenges, from keeping children safe, offering blended learning and getting children back to speed after 6 months off.  It’s not therefore surprising that teacher and staff wellbeing may be being affected, which is why we thought it time…

Core mobility
By Jon
14th October 2020
Movement and Mindfulness with Jez & Gilbert – Ep3

With the world being as unpredictable as ever, its even more important than before to make sure you are giving your mind some space to refresh. 15 mins of Movement and Mindfulness can help you ‘get out of your head’ and help life your mood. All you need is some floor space and 15 mins…

Core mobility
By Jon
7th October 2020
Get back in the present with Movement & Mindfulness – EP2

Mindfulness along with movement can really help bring our focus back to the present moment. In these uncertain times its very easy to get caught up in the past or the future which can lead to us feeling anxious and overwhelmed. By spending 15 mins on mindfulness activities it can help us get out of…

Pandemic Nutrition
By Jon
29th September 2020
Pandemic nutrition advice – Can Vitamin D fend off Covid 19?

If you have found that you are reaching more for foods and drinks that you know aren’t helping you, then you are not alone! We have pandemic nutrition advice from Nutritionist and soon to be Health Psychologist Emma Hendricks, who gives some really useful hints and tips on how to approach your diet during the…

teacher in lockdown - back to school
By Jon
23rd September 2020
Teacher in lockdown – Jez back to school in uncertain times

With these uncertain times upon us again, Jez wanted to share his thoughts with other teachers out there who are back to school. Please get involved on our facebook group Teachers in Lockdown

positive questions
By Jon
21st September 2020
The power of positive questions

In this short 3.5 minute episode you can find out how simply asking yourself positive questions can lift your mood.   Our thoughts, memories and beliefs we can imagine as an iceberg, however big they are only a small amount is visible. Often the things that are most easy to notice or remember are the…

when you survive
By Jon
11th September 2020
When you survive – featuring Greig Trout

In this episode we talk to Greig Trout. Greig is a double cancer survivor and the man behind and His story resonates with us here at life on time because he puts much of his recovery and his new found happiness down to strategies like goal setting. Take a listen to find out…

teacher and staff wellbeing app
By Jon
3rd September 2020
Can digital platform’s improve wellbeing and help fulfill PSHE statutory requirements?

With PSHE soon becoming mandatory for schools, many are now looking for new and innovative resources so they can fulfill and exceed the new statutory requirements.  In this article we will be reviewing studies which show how digital applications, such as mobile apps, improve wellbeing and if the evidence they show can be used to…

By Jon
3rd September 2020
Introduction to mindfulness – featuring Dr Bear

In this 5 minute episode Dr Bear gives an introduction to Mindfulness. Perfect for beginners or anyone who is intrigued to learn a bit more about it. Mindfulness is a great way to calm your mind and reduce anxiety.

By Jon
31st August 2020
Movement and Mindfulness – Episode 1

This is episode 1 of Movement and Mindfulness with Leighton Parks director of sport and wellness, Jez Belas. This is a 15 min video workout, similar to Yoga and Pilates but with a twist. If you’d like to learn mindfulness, but struggle with the concept of sitting still while focusing just on your breathing then…

becoming a leader
By Jon
12th July 2020
Becoming a Leader – Podcast

In our final episode of the series, the team talk about Becoming a Leader.  Jez discusses how he now teaches leadership skills as part of PE, the team introduce their creative Director Martin Harling-Coward and Dr Bear gives insight in to how things have turned more normal in his day to day treatment of his…